Here's a quick tutorial to create a wing in 3d using the profile editor mecaflux and solidworks.
Since the export files aerodynamic or hydrodynamic profile function has been added to Mecaflux, it is simple to create 3d model of your profile.
you can create in a few seconds, a 3d wing in solidworks using Mecaflux Standard:
- Open the profile editor in the drag and lift tab of mecaflux and edit a profile with editor naca for example ...
Click export to solidworks:
Enter the width of the wing (length of chord)
Et entrez la longueur de l'aile:
If Solidworks is installed on your PC, it will be launched and your wing will be built:
It is too easy and there is not much merit to create wings, fins or foiler anymore...(lol).
Simply calculate performance with mecaflux to assess the size and speed needed to create the desired lift and then export the profile to solid works.
Be careful though, the loss of lift at the wing tips are not considered:
- For a wing with a length of 10, a width of 1, count about 15% loss of lift compared to the results given by mecaflux.
- For a wing with a length of 10, a width of 5, count about 30% loss of lift compared to the results given by mecaflux.
And of course do not try the performance of your system to a living creature even if you hate it (it's not good) without having safety testing beforehand.